WordWeve Success!



About Reading

What is the Tapestree System?

At the Tapestree System’s core is the ability to produce new stories from original ones. Much like its namesake, the Tapestree System is much like a tree: A Seed (the origin material) is planted and the Branches (the material others have added, revised, remade, etc) sprout. For example, if “The First Book Ever” had been written by “The First Author Ever”, other authors could expand on the book, or specific sections of it, by creating Branches. Expanding could be anything from new and unique side stories to alternative universes to even a complete change of genre and style. Furthermore, Branches can sprout more Branches! Champion chronicles you enjoy with free access to an ever-growing library or nurture a network with stories of your own. Whether you decide to branch upon another writer’s world or plant a seed for others to read, you’ll be engaging meaningfully, supporting grassroot creators, and earning money.

Reader Incentives

Viewership, likes, reviews, subscriptions, and various other forms of engagement directly support creators. The Tapestree system allows for criticism, parodies, and other insightful forms of fair use for people writers to craft their style while expanding on a story without affecting its narrative. Creators get to sharpen and expand themselves, and you get to engage with their process! Using the Tapestree system, you’ll be able to find different styles and interpretations of the same story. Find those who also enjoy the stories you do and learn from those that don’t. Know that when you support the material, you support all who made it possible, including the Seed creator.

When should I report a book?

We ask users to report material that that goes against our Terms or Community Standards. If a project is not marked under the “Mature” category and contains content that is found to be disturbing, please report it so that we may flag the writer who has improperly marked their book and relocate it. Our library is ever-growing and organizing it is an effort that requires a coordinated community!

What content is considered mature?

Also known as Age-Gated Content, the Mature category is recognized by the following:

·        Drug use

·        Extreme violence

·        Gore

·        Obscenity

·        Suicide and self-injury

·        Sexually explicit content

Something’s not working

Currently we are in an open beta, so we are still working out kinks and striving for improvements in this system! You can notify us through our contact page. We thank you for your understanding, and any help you may provide!

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