WordWeve Success!



Worlds are not just planets, they are people. Our mission is to connect people and their stories meaningfully. To this end, we seek to reinvigorate reading and revive hour-long discussions in a landscape of evanescent images and left-on-seen texts. To combat the voiceless praise of follows, likes, and shares, we seek to create a network where individuals can find semblance of good conversation.

And with good conversation, comes good company.

There is something to be said for bonds formed in adversity. We aspire to create a meaningful and human platform that fosters ways to grow intellectually and emotionally. WordWeve should be a civic crucible where they can connect their stories, perspectives, and reinterpretations so that the one-way literary landscape becomes an engaging two-way street. Every reader is a writer that has not yet discovered themselves.

Our Team Thrives on Four Key Values

Our Value for Connecting

Civic division leads to both difference and understanding. Freedom of thought and freedom of speech are the cornerstones from which we can learn from others. And learn from others we should.

Our Value for Fairness

No individual should ever be judged outside from their ideas and action. Innovations do not discriminate, and neither should we.

Our Value for Dreams

With ambition should come opportunity. Everyone has the right to have both. What matters is not from where we come, but to where we go.

Our Value for Seeking

Curiosity did not kill the cat. Rather, the cat found those eight other lives because it was curious! People should always have access to communities and resources to ask and enlighten.

Book Rights Simplified

The moment you write down material it is protected by copyright. Seed authors retain full rights to the material they’ve seeded, for example, movie rights. When writers publish material on WordWeve, they agree to allow the platform to incorporate it into its Tapestree system. Writers also agree to allow Wordweve to market their published material for free. Published content that does not violate our terms or policies can be requested to be taken down at the discretion of WordWeve staff.

Authors keep full rights to content they’ve created regardless of whether they are a Seed or Branch writer. For example, if Teara writes a story about “Charlotte”, she owns the rights to “Charlotte’s” story and character. If someone else expands on that story and adds a character named “Jane”, they will only retain rights to “Jane”.

Cross posting your work is encouraged! However, Wordweve cannot help you monetize views from other platforms. If you’re goals are aligned towards publishing quality work and making money from it, we want to provide every tool you will ever need to complete the journey.

What gets placed into the featured sections on app?

There’s a whole list of things that admins use to decide what content is featured at the top:

1) Universality of concept

2) Uniqueness, meaning, and thought

3) Cultural and social pervasiveness

4) Compelling narratives

5) An algorithm encompassing material metadata

Try not to worry about all of this. Creatively expressing what you want to form a narrative around is guaranteed to attract readers who have also felt that way. That is more quintessential for success than any of the combined points mentioned. ********

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