WordWeve Success!



Initial Release22-Apr-2023

chapter 1

I told Freddy I saw something and I wasn’t sure what it was. He explained to me that it might’ve been a rat. I was sure it wasn’t a rat. Maybe I had been down here too long. More dirt fell down the slope as Ron came down the dirt filled slope.

 We made the decision to keep exploring the cave. I took out the plan of the cave again and looked into the entrance of the new opening inside the cave. I looked back at the plan and it had gotten covered with spiders. I shook off the plan from the dirt and rolled it back up.

 The plan didn’t add up to where we were. Something didn’t seem right, but I wanted to keep going further. Not sure where I was leading Ron and Freddy. I checked my digital watch and it read twelve forty one pm. It was the next day already. 

 I could tell Ron and Freddy were getting tired, so was I. We built a tent inside the cave and started a small fire. With sticks and stones that were found in the cave. Freddy struck the fire starter, the fire lit the walls now we could see. There were a few places in the cave that had traces of bigger than normal spider’s nest.

 We talked to each other about it and figured it was a spider called a tarantula. And nothing described it better to us. We cooked canned beans and meat over the fire and ate. The fire burned out as we slept into the next day. We woke up and continued what was supposed to be a day trip. 

 The morning came, we were putting on our boots when Ron yelled and shook out his boot. A spider had bit him. The spider fell out of his boot after he shook it out. We were all stunned. We had to turn back for medical assistance.

 We packed up everything and got back to the slope. I fell down and grabbed onto the rope, but it fell as if it were clipped off. I held it in my hand as it folded over my hand. The rope was broken and there was no way back up. The only way out was to keep moving into the cave.

 We yelled and yelled, nothing, no response, nobody even answered back. We felt closed in and Ron was vulnerable. It would take us another day to get out of the cave so we had to hurry. We knew Ron needed help so we couldn’t stay by the pond. We took out our phones to call for help, but we didn’t have a signal. 

  We had to push forward with Ron’s spider bite. So we got back to the campsite we spent a night at; we passed through the campsite going further in the cave. A fork in the cave came to the end of the cave opening. I took out the plan again and proceeded to go to the right entrance. The deeper we went the more spider webs we saw. 

 After a while we were stepping on loose webs on the ground. We were getting more paranoid than usual and wanted to turn back.

 My flashlight flickered then went dim, I took off my helmet and hit my helmet. The light flashed like new before dying. I couldn’t see anything so I opened up my backpack and took out new batteries and exchanged them. Like new, my light was shining like usual. I checked on Ron he was okay, his foot was just in pain.    

 As we carried on back through the cave Ron sat down, stopping us. Ron took off his boot and discovered his foot was black and green from the bite. Me and Freddy looked at Ron’s foot then back at each other. It wasn’t good. We had to keep moving we were running out of time.

 There was a moment in my mind I asked myself what if we didn’t make it out. I put Ron’s boot back on and stood him up. Ron completely fell back down. He needed help. Me and Freddy picked Ron up and threw his arms around us for his support. 

 We kept walking deeper into the cave, our lights shining off the cave floor and walls. I tripped over something hard. We all fell together at once and I cut my hand. I looked down at my hand, it was bleeding. I didn’t have anything to stop the bleeding so I took out my knife and cut my shirt to wrap it around my hand. 

 It was a long way in the tunnel and it seemed like it wasn’t a way out of it. Things just seemed creepier as we went deeper. We stopped for rest, I took out my plan of the cave so I could get an understanding where we were. I looked in disbelief, we were lost. My head shook and my shoulders dropped. We must’ve made a wrong turn. 

 We tried going back but it was like the cave had switched the tunnels around. We were probably walking in circles for hours and Ron wasn’t feeling good. He threw up all over the place. When I thought I felt something watching me from above I looked up and saw a spider looking down. This was no regular spider, this spider was as long as a grown man. 

 As my light shined on it I just saw the back legs running back behind us, around a corner. I didn’t want it to be true so I looked at Freddy and he saw it too. We both were a little scared and afraid of what we just saw. We laid Ron down on the cave floor and creeped around the corner. only to see about twenty more of them crawling on the cave walls.


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