WordWeve Success!



Initial Release22-Apr-2023

chapter 2

We slowly backed away from the tunnel's entrance and picked Ron back up, so we could leave. When we picked Ron up and sat him up on his feet, he yelled in pain. Freddy and I covered Ron’s mouth with our hands and told him to shush. We moved as fast as we could before we came to another stop. Ron’s left foot was caught by something. 

 We looked down and backwards, we saw a web that had Ron’s foot, a strong pull and we fell to the ground. As Ron was being dragged I grabbed his hand that he extended out for help with. My hand slipped and half of his body went around the corner before he grabbed onto the wall. Ron was yelling in fear, then slipped away. 

 All that was left that we could see was his hand still grabbing on the wall. I grabbed onto it and gave it a strong tug before I fell backwards. His hand down to the elbow is all that was left of Ron. I dropped the arm. Freddy helped me back to my feet and we ran for our lives. 

 At this point we ran deeper in the cave. We ran so long we stopped for air. We looked around but didn’t see anything but the cave walls. There was no other way out, we might’ve took a few wrong turns. After what we just saw. 

 We went deeper as we did we came across bones in the dirt. Human bones and spider webs, as we got deeper we saw a collection of humans that made it this far in the cave maybe. They were wrapped in spider webs. All that was left was their bones. Some had their mouths covered, all you could see was the rib cages sticking out of the webs a little and their skull. 

 We were shocked by what we saw. There was no doubt in my mind that we were in a spider's lair. Freddy gave me a tug and I looked over in his direction as he pointed. I looked at the pond in the cave. Which meant we were no longer lost. 

 As we went down another slope we saw a fire pit as if someone was still there. The pit was still warm, I hovered my hand over the pit. Someone was still here. We saw no sign of danger. I took out my plan of the cave and in the plan it had a plan of inside the pond. It would lead out of the cave into the woods back to a trail.

 I was sure the trail led to civilization again.

 We put on our scuba gear, Freddy entered the pond first. I followed behind him, Freddy signaled me that he was going under. I looked around one last time within three seconds of Freddy going under and went under next. There were no signs of fish the pond was empty for the most part until we went deeper. The water got cooler and muggy we could barely see. Freddy and I flicked on our flashlights so we could see better.

 There wasn’t any surface to stick our heads out of the water, just air pockets. We kept moving for about twenty more minutes in the pond. Finally we saw light and surfaced. We could see a shore inside the cave but we could also hear the birds chirping. We found our way out. 

 We came to the shallow of the water and got out of the pond. We took off our diving gear and changed back into our civilian clothes. We exited the cave at the entrance of the cave where a trail started. There was a sign that pointed to a rest stop. It also showed us a map on how to get back to the starting point of the walk. 

 So we started on the trail and we were on our way back to the starting point of the trip. As we walked I looked behind us and the cave kept getting tinier with Ron still in it. We made it back to the car and got in after the long trip for a day, we turned in the canoe and left. Me and Freddy paused inside the car before I drove off. I knew exactly who we could talk to when we got back home.

 “Freddy here’s where I got the blueprint to the cave” I said. “Okay who made it” Freddy said. I pulled up a website and scrolled through the site it had the man’s address and name on the site. He was an old man and Freddy stared at the screen for a moment. I grabbed my keys we made the trip. 

 We arrived at the estate and knocked on the door. A man came to the door and let us in. “We went to the cave” I said. Freddy looked at me and the man as we talked. “What did you find” the man said kindly. 

“We’re not sure” I said. I looked at Freddy the old man was in a electronic wheelchair he moved a joystick around to get around his place. “Come with me” the man said. The man went to a separate room the room was filled with glass jars with water the jars had spiders in them, it was almost like we were in a lab. “Your not thinking about going back in there are you” the old man said. “Our friend is missing, something grabbed him and I know you know what it was” I said.

 “It looks like you made a discovery” the old man said. He then showed us a spider that was a tall as a grown man. “This may be what killed your friend” the old man said. He uncovered a spider that was in a wooden box with a sheet over it. The spider was big and it was dried out. “I’m sure your friend is dead and there is no reason to return” the old man said. “Well we’re going back in the cave” Freddy said. 


 We left the old man’s estate and headed home to do some rethinking. my telephone was ringing it was a call from Carrie Anderson so I hit accept on my phone. “Hello?” I said. “Yes, do you think you can meet a guy by the name of David?, he explores caves” Carrie said. My mind raced as we spoke on the phone. Carrie Anderson hung up the phone. 

 “Why don’t we go to the police” Freddy said. “And tell them what?” I asked. “Freddy this must not get out to anyone not until we find Ron” I said. I wasn’t sure what we seen in the cave it was like now my mind was lying to me. “Check your gear we are leaving tomorrow” I said. 

 The next day came and we met David, he had two others with him. Me and Freddy introduced our selfs to the crew. We finally made it to the cave and went in, it was really dark so we turned on our flashlights. Freddy and I were at the back of the line. “Okay this is where we dropped the line” I said. 


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