WordWeve Success!



Initial Release22-Apr-2023

chapter 3

David and his crew tied and checked the ropes line. “All clear!” David yelled. Everyone went down one by one. One of the crew members turned around and looked at me and said “see you on the way down” he said. As he went down his flashlight on his suit got dimmer and dimmer as he went deeper and deeper.

 Freddy went down next then me it was pure darkness.  A loud screech echoed from in the cave. “Alright everyone we know were not alone” David said. David and his crew's bags hit the floor, everyone started to put there guns together. One of the crew members looked around with his gun the light moved along the cave walls. 

 It was still no signs of Ron’s body “Help”a voice whimpered from beside of us. We shined our lights in the direction of the voice, it was Ron’s. He was stuck to the cave wall along with others that had gotten lost in the cave. We ran over to Ron to get him down. “You came back, you came back for me” Ron said. 

 “Oh my god” a crew member said. He flashed his light above I looked up and it was a nest of spiders sleeping above our heads these spiders were massive. A tiny spider fell on Ron and it bit him in the face. More spiders started falling down on Ron they started to cover Ron’s face. I let go and started to back away as more approached our feet, they were no bigger then a shoe. 

 In a panic I fell backwards a hand picked me up by my shirt I took off running as fast as I could through the cave, Freddy followed behind me so did the others. The swarm had gotten bigger the spiders were all on the caves walls.. I ran to the right of a underground cave entrance, there were two caves side by side.. I looked behind us to see if the crew was still there but nobody was. The spiders kept coming we had no choice but to get in the water to avoid being injured by the swarm. 

 “They ate Ron man” Freddy said. I suddenly felt something crawling on my neck. I thrashed in terror, horrified I grabbed the spider off me and threw it, but before I threw it I looked at it. I had it in my hands it’s Mouth was straight and it also had six six inch teeth. I threw it in the water it horrified me. 

 A man came from behind the caves rock he started poking the gound with a stick. Freddy and I swimmed back to shore we didn’t know if their was another way out of the cave. “Hey who are you” I asked. The man had spiders he caught on a stick. “My names Shane, I didn’t know there were more people down here” Shane said. 

 “I seen you guys leave before I watched you dive, how far is the opening to the surface” Shane asked. Too far for any human to swim without equipment” I said. “We’re screwed” Freddy said. “Hey guys, is anyone in there?” a voice shouted. We all quickly turned around, the voice was familiar it was David’s voice. 

 We hurried and met up with David and the crew. When we got there it was only him and one other crew member. Me and Freddy looked around to see a crew member on the ground face and body covered in spiders. “There’s no way out” I said. “Then we have to find one” a woman said. I took the gun out of the dead crew members holster, the spiders scrambled.

 More screeching echo’s came from inside the cave. I wanted to turn back I think everyone did but we were already to deep in the cave. There was still a risk we would get swarmed if we turned back around, it wasn’t a question about it. We walked so deep in the cave we started to see open egg sacks. David starting yelling and grabbing at his body, there were spiders on him they were attacking him.

 A sudden fear came over my body. I was stunned I was telling my mind to run but my legs didn’t move. I yelled as loud as I could while David fell in the next of spiders. David fell in a spider's web he couldn’t move. A massive spider came from inside the web and bit down on David’s chest. 

 We started shooting at the massive spider killing it, it slowly fell to the cave's ground. David was dead. “watch out” Freddy said. More massive spiders came around the corner. We let off more shots before we found out we couldn’t stop all of them. “Go!” The crew member said. 

 A explosion came from behind us the cave started to fall in from the explosion. The sounds of running was coming towards Freddy Shane and I. I pointed my gun in the direction of the sound and to my surprise it was the crew member.  “Umm guys you have to see this” Shane said. There was a big split making it impossible to reach the other side. 

 The crew member lit a flair and dropout in the dark pit, we could see the bottom as the flair burned. We had to climb down and up to the other side to get across. So we climbed down and up the wall in darkness using nothing but our flashlights to see with. “Everyone okay?” the crew member asked. We were exauhsted a thud hit my face from the caves ceiling with a cool breeze. 

 A light shined down through a crack in the ceiling of the cave. I pushed my hand through the crack in the caves ceiling and to my discovery we were on top of a mountain. I climbed through the hole I had made and climbed out to extend my hand to the next person. The crew member was coming out of the hole when she was pulled down back inside of the cave. We tried to save her but we couldn’t we heard one last scream for help before there was a silence. 


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