WordWeve Success!



Initial Release22-Apr-2023

chapter 4

It was pouring rain it was a Forrest of trees we found cover in the Forrest trees, it was storming. “Do you think help would be out here, we made it this far maybe it leads back to the trail. Freddy said. We were sitting ducks basically we were lost. “Guys come look at this” their were birds in giant spider webs, some spider webs connected from one tree to another. “We better move” I said. 

 The ground was soggy, we stopped for rest. I was looking around at the trees when I heard sticks breaking. It was Shane he was making spears for the spiders, there were webs all around us. “We have to get out of the Forrest” Shane said. The sun was setting and there was still no sign of direction. 

 We came up on a stream we were happy to see the stream because it may mean a sign of civilization. We built a three man shelter and spent the night in the Forrest woods. The next morning we woke up and left the shelter. We walked beside of the stream until the ground and water met. “We’re never leaving here are we” Freddy said. 

  A nosie came from the sky it was a plane we waved our hands and shouted as loud as we could hoping the pilot saw us. We finally went so deep in the Forrest we found a bunker. We went inside for shelter, Shane shut the door back behind us with a heavy pull. The place was filled with hi-tec government issued equipment. There was a switch I turned it on and it lit up the whole bunker.

  We searched the place I found a locker it had semi autos and ammunition rounds along with c4 and granades, the locker was padlocked. We happened to find a crowbar and beat the lock of the locker, I passed the guns around and took a c4 bomb. Something rambled deeper in the bunker, we heard metal equipment fall on the ground. Freddy pointed his gun and went down the hallway.. “what in the world” Freddy said. There were human remains in the bunker they had been there for sometime covered in spiders webs. 

 Shots were fired then a yell came from down the hallway where Freddy went. “Holy shit” Freddy said. A swarm of spiders jumped on Freddy biting him as much as they could. Shane and I ran up the hall way to the entrance of a door. We seen Freddy running back towards our way, we also seen a enormous spider following behind Freddy as well as the swarm jumping on Freddy. 

 We shot as much as we could hitting the enormous spider a few times before Freddy made it through the door and we slammed it shut. “Freddy are you alright” I said. Freddy was still trying to fight off the smaller spiders off of him. Me and Shane raced over to Freddy and started smashing and knocking off the small spiders killing them. I found a small radio and it worked I called for help. 

 “Mayday mayday if there’s anyone out there were in a bunker over” I said. A noise came to the radio a few moments later then a voice. “Over we have your coordinates, help is on the way” a voice said. The morning came and it was a thick fog outside. A bang came to the bunkers door we all heard the bangs on the door. 

 We couldn’t get to the door because there was still a enormous spider inside of the bunker. A voice came over the radio. “ it’s a five person rescue team outside of the door can you get to it?” The voice said. I picked up the radio and hit the button to talk. “I don’t think we can get out to let them in I don’t think that’s possible” I said. 

 “Oh no” Shane said. “What?” I said. I turned around to see Freddy hunched over with a yellow liquid pouring from his face. Taps on the door came from the enormous spider. We could see the tiny spider legs under the door as if they were trying to get in.

 A loud explosion came from outside the door killing the enormous spider. “Clear” a man said. We heard boots on the ground we knew it was the rescue team. “We’re glad to see you” I said. “Come on I’m getting you guys out of here” a man said. 

 “The helicopter will meet us at the pick up point” a man said. We walked through the Forest and night fell, a man from the rescue team started playing his harmonica as the fire lit the darkness. A sudden pause came from the harmonica… The team raced to their guns and pointed them in the direction of the nosies. Three spider webs were shot at the rescue team each hitting a member in the face with the webs. The members ripped off the webs and returned fire. 

 A spider in a tree climbed down the tree and snuck up on one of the rescue members and decapitated his head. More spiders started coming down the trees we had no choice but to run to the pick up point, so we did. When we all made it there the helicopter was ready for take off. We were in the sky everyone was buckled in and we were saved. I looked out the helicopters opening as we flew over the mountains it was beautiful.



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